In 1969, noted African centred psychiatrist Dr Frances Cress- Welsing wrote an essay called The Cress Theory Of Color Confrontation And Racism in an attempt to understand the behaviour of Europeans and their racist attitudes towards people of color. She went on to write her monumental book entitled The Isis Papers The Keys To The Colors. She has made countless appearances on numerous talk shows for over forty years. Her appearance on the Phil Donahue Show is the stuff of legends. She received a lifetime achievement award at last years Power Talk 2 conference in Washington D.C.
Dr. Welsing spoke at length about racism and white supremacy. In the 72 Concepts To Liberate The African Mind by Dr. Uhuru Hotep and Talibah Baker Hotep, racism and white supremacy is defined as "the five hundred year old global system of exploitation and oppression of the dark-skined majority and special privilege and favored status for the light-skinnned minority created, maintained and perpetuated by Europeans-Aryans-Caucasians and their black and brown supporters. Rooted in an unconscious fear of "genetic annihilation" by melanin rich people avarice and a desire to dominate..." Dr. Welsing never hesitated to elaborate on broadcast media about the system of white supremacy and how to counter it.
Dr. Welsing made her transition on January 1st at her home in Washington D.C. of two strokes in her sleep. In the attached video below, Professor James Small honors and remembers his friend and comrade, the great Dr. Frances Cress-Welsing.