
Pics via 2009. "The Standard" was a real idea, a group name that Sean came up with for the 3 of us and wanted to make happen at some point. He said us 3 together were the standard of what other emcees should be like moving forward. RIP to my brother Ruckus. ๐Ÿ’” #Repost @torae with @repostapp.
My barrel brother Sky & my big brother Sean. We had talked about doing a collab project "The Standard" on a few different occasions. "Y'all keep me on my toes when we rap together, I can't take the bronze medal" ๐Ÿ†That guy kept me laughing man, what an incredible dude. #RIPSeanPrice #HeKilledMySweaterAllNightToo #WhatIsThatHoundsTooth