The Boondocks Season 4 is here; watch the Season 4 Teaser Trailer here

The Boondocks Season 4
 Its been 4 long years since its 3rd season–which was supposed to be the final season but now Adult Swim‘s The Boondocks season 4 will finally be dropping in on us April 21st. Aaron McGruder will have plenty of subjects to get crazy with. So hopefully we will get to see stories about George Zimmerman, Kanye West, Miley Cyrus and that Brat Justin Bieber just to name a few. And of course the ridiculousness of the Rap music with all of its coonery and ignorance. I know ill be tuned in. Will you? Check out the J Dilla drops as well. Aaron keeps it funky as always.

Season 4 debuts on The Cartoon Network at 10:30pm

The Boondocks Season 4