During the past (40) Days CCNY Administration, CUNY Security & The NYPD have illegally occupied, stolen & refused to return our personal property and; Intentionally disrupted the Harlem & Bronx based community/student programs & projects of the Guillermo Morales-Assata Shakur Community & Student Center @ CCNY.
We are therefore calling upon the Local, State, National & International Activist Community To Join Us In Disrupting their operations TODAY
from (11:00am - 3:00pm) EST. By E-mailing, calling & faxing the following numbers to ask the below CUNY administrators the following questions:
1) Where is the stolen property from the Morales-Shakur Center?
2) What is the reason for the continued holding of the stolen property?
3) When can the owners finally inspect & retrieve their stolen property?
4) Why were the owners not informed in advance that their property would be taken if not removed?
5) How could CUNY/CCNY officials allow the property to be taken & held without a legally court judge signed warrant of search & seizure?
6) Who Actually Gave The Order For President Cioco To Shut Down The Morales-Shakur Center & illegally confiscate the property?
Fax - (212) 650-7680 president@ccny.cuny.edu
Teresa Flemming • President's Office
Executive Assistant to the President
Phone - (212) 650-7285 and (212) 650-7286
Executive Assistant to the President
Phone - (212) 650-7285 and (212) 650-7286
Fax - (212) 650-7680 tflemming@ccny.cuny.edu
Deborah Hartnett • President's Office
Senior Advisor to the President and Chief of Staff
Phone - (212) 650-8638
Deborah Hartnett • President's Office
Senior Advisor to the President and Chief of Staff
Phone - (212) 650-8638
Jacob Morel • President's Office
Special Assistant to the President
Phone - (212) 650-7285 and (212) 650-7286
Special Assistant to the President
Phone - (212) 650-7285 and (212) 650-7286
Fax - (212) 650-7680 jmorel@ccny.cuny.edu
Anthony Perez • President's Office
Assistant to the President
Phone - (212) 650-7285
Anthony Perez • President's Office
Assistant to the President
Phone - (212) 650-7285
Willie Administration Building
160 Convent Avenue
West 138th Street at Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031NO CENTER, NO PEACE!
West 138th Street at Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031NO CENTER, NO PEACE!
We Demand that the CUNY Board of Trustees & City College (CCNY) Administration Immediately Schedule
A Principled Meeting With The Members of The Guillermo Morales-Assata Shakur Community & Student Center's Board of Directors/Coordinating Committee In Order To Address And Resolve The Following (10) Demands......
1. The Immediate and Total Autonomous Restoration of The Guillermo Morales-Assata Shakur Community & Student Center @ CCNY to it's 24 year space inside of Room 3-201/NAC.
2. The Immediate Publically Monitored Inspection & Return of all personal & organizational property which was stolen from the Morales-Shakur Center on Sunday, October 28, 2013 by CCNY security and; Total Financial Restitution with a Public Apology from CCNY Administration for all damages caused by the defamation, disruption, and cancellations of The Morales-Shakur Center's student/community services & projects in general; And the Harlem based New York City Peoples Survival Program (PSP) in particular.
3. The complete and unrestricted use of all CCNY Buildings, Rooms, Libraries & Halls for Student Organized Events & Activities.
4. The Immediate Restoration of the CCNY Black/Africana Studies Department
5. The Immediate Restoration of the CCNY Women's Studies Department
6. The Immediate Restoration of the CCNY Asian Studies Department
7. The Immediate End to Armed police/security guards, Uniformed ROTC armed forces personnel and all Police Security State Militarization and Brutality from CCNY & all CUNY/SUNYcampuses and institutions.
8. Total academic amnesty and the immediate dropping of all criminal charges against the "CUNY6 - Plus" Students and; The Immediate End to CUNY's assault on US Constitutional Rights and the total elimination of it's planned "Expressive Conduct Policy"
9. The Immediate Scheduling of a series of open to the public Town Hall Meetings between CCNY & Columbia University with the Harlem Community to discuss this and other neighborhood issues that mutually effect us all.
10. The Total and Permanent Restoration of "Free Tuition & Open Admissions" to The City University of New York (CCNY)
Visit our official website defendmorales-shakur.org/
SIGN OUR PETITION: http://tinyurl.com/savemscc
Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/ MoralesShakurCenter
Follow us on Twitter @DefendMSCenter #SaveMSCC #CCNYShutdown #CCNY
Watch us on Youtube @ Morales Shakur Center
CALL: (212) 726-2301
SIGN OUR PETITION: http://tinyurl.com/savemscc
Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/
Follow us on Twitter @DefendMSCenter #SaveMSCC #CCNYShutdown #CCNY
Watch us on Youtube @ Morales Shakur Center
CALL: (212) 726-2301